.................took the heat Wednesday evening from the hysterical limbaugh mob at a health care town hall free for all. He stood his ground well, not as well as Barney Frank but good enough indeed. So I went here, looked him up and sent him this email. If your congress-
man took a hit, with a few clicks and some copy and paste you could do the same. Doh!! Don't forget to fill in your reps. name and yours!! Thanx!
Congressman Name,
I appreciate your courage under fire at the health care town hall free for all. I'm sure you realize that the people making the most noise probably have health insurance already and most likely are republican. I am writing at this time to convey my ardent and total support for a PUBLIC OPTION so that EVERYBODY can get decent and reasonably priced health care coverage. And as for the clowns in the audience that shrieked about the impending deficit I only wish you asked where they were when george w bush marched us into a useless and ill founded trillion dollar war. I believe that in the long run the public option will help make our economy stronger and sounder by making the enire health system much MUCH more competitive. Please work and vote for a public option to be included in health care legislation. I don't go to rallies and scream. I go to the polls and vote, every chance I get. I hope we are in agreement on this critical issue.