Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Mark Twain......................................
...............Prize for American Humor was bestowed posthumously last night upon George Carlin. Actually posthumorously would be appropriate here, how could anything ever be funny again? All the pro's came out to tip their hat to the Maestro. It was a good show and I hope a down loadable video surfaces sometime soon. Keep an eye peeled for reruns, it was a really GOOD show. Holy Ach Dur Liebers!!! This just in: Reruns locally on WGBH 2 & WGBX 44,
Thu Feb 5 1:30pm, 44, Fri Feb 6 3am, 44, Sat Feb 7 2pm, 44, Sun Feb 8 4:30pm, 2/HD, Mon Feb 9 12am, 2/HD, Mon Feb 9 3am, 44. Don't miss it!!