Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe The Plumber....................................
....................What kind of a plumber are you? If you're worried about your taxes, you're personally making more than $250,000.oo adjusted gross income. That means you're making way more than $125/hr. I've worked a lot of construction and I've never met any plumbers that make that kind of money. You must be one of those guys that answers the phone and then sends a guy out that you're paying (maybe, at best) $25/hr. Joe the Plumber is an OPERATOR, and a pretty smooth one at that. $125/hr to get your ass fat and flat while not getting your hands dirty is quite a feat. And that's who John McCain is looking out for, guy's like Joe the Operator. Wake Up People!!! All the plumbers I know will get tax relief under Barack Obama. VOTE OBAMA!!!