Friday, September 19, 2008


...............This is a MUST READ for everybody. And then lets have a big round of applause for Phil Gramm and his buddy John McCain just before we throw their stinkin' asses off the train into the fire below. Hell is way too nice of a place for these worms. That's right. That's the Phil Gramm who as one of McCain's economic advisers' called us a nation of whiners! I swear if that moron and the twit from Alaska are elected, we'll all be better off IN hell! This big government bailout that is getting put together is going to mess us up for years to come. This will be the biggest swindle by the Bush Administration yet. If the big federal entity as proposed by Sec. of Treasury Paulson is created there will never be any health care reform in America. ALL of the money will be GONE! Stand Up and SAY NO!
And the song of the day (even if it is C&W) is a MUST LISTEN.