Tomorrow is the Big Day!! What ever you do, DON'T give us Billary. If'n you're an out of work, working man, like I am, remember that Bill Clinton took the Free Trade Ball from Daddy Bush and ran like hell with it. Sold out American Labor.
It looked good for a little while but that was just the dot com bubble smoothing things over. Then all the jobs went somewhere else. Hillary is half of a two-fer, Bill is the other half. She has repeatedly stated that she will seek and take his advice. Is she insane or what? The guy has been a runaway train all through her campaign. What do you think he'll be like back in the Whitehouse. If she can't control her own campaign, how can you expect her to run our country? And think about that. Obama started out way in the back of the pack. He got his message out, has run a brilliant and methodical campaign and has taken the ball from the anointed ones. If that doesn't show Executive skill, command and control; What does?....... Don't vote for a loser;
VOTE FOR OBAMA!!! VOTE FOR OBAMA!!! VOTE FOR OBAMA!!! YAY!! .................................................................................o
SotD via Bag of Songs